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Antenna selection of base station in mountainous area | 4g lte antenna- Our Technological Leaps

TAG:Antenna selection of base station in mountainous area | 4g lte antenna

Application environment characteristics: in remote hilly and mountainous areas, the mountain is seriously blocked, the propagation and fading of radio waves are large, and the coverage is difficult. Generally, it is wide coverage. Scattered users are distributed within a wide coverage radius of the base station, and the traffic is small. The base station may be built on the top of the mountain, at the waist of the mountain, at the foot of the mountain, or at a suitable location in the mountain area. The site selection, model selection and antenna selection of base stations should be based on different user distribution and terrain characteristics. The following situations are common: station construction in basin type mountain area, station construction on mountain area, station construction on hillside, station construction in ordinary mountain area, etc.

Antenna selection principle:

Pattern selection: The pattern selection depends on the location, station type and surrounding coverage requirements of the base station. You can select an omnidirectional antenna or a directional antenna. For a base station built on a mountain, if the location to be covered is relatively low, a pattern with a large vertical half power angle should be selected to better meet the vertical coverage requirements; 4g lte antenna

Antenna gain selection: select medium antenna gain, omnidirectional antenna (9-11dBi) and directional antenna (15-18dBi) according to the distance of the area to be covered;

Inclination selection: When building a station on a mountain and the place to be covered is at the foot of the mountain, the antenna with zero filling or preset declination shall be selected. The magnitude of the preset downdip angle depends on the relative height of the base station and the place to be covered. The larger the relative height, the larger the preset downdip angle should be.

TAG:Antenna selection of base station in mountainous area | 4g lte antenna
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