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Full Band Anti-Drone Omni Antenna
Full Band Anti-Drone Omni Antenna

Full Band Anti-Drone Omni Antenna

A full band anti-drone omni antenna, supports 433MHz, 868MHz, 915MHz, 1.2GHz, 1227.60MHz, 1575.42MHz, 2.4GHz (2400-2500MHz), and 5GHz (5150-5850MHz).


A domestic military enterprise in China required a specialized full-band omnidirectional antenna for counter-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operations. This antenna needed to handle a maximum input power of over 300W and provide 360-degree surveillance and countermeasures against drones. The client's requirements were stringent, necessitating a solution that could operate across a wide range of frequencies while maintaining a compact form factor.


The primary challenge was to design an Anti-Drone Omni Antennal that could support operation across multiple frequency bands, including 433MHz, 868MHz, 915MHz, 1.2GHz, 1227.60MHz, 1575.42MHz, 2.4GHz (2400-2500MHz), and 5GHz (5150-5850MHz), without increasing the antenna's size significantly.

RF element's Solution

Our engineering team approached this challenge by leveraging previous successful case experiences:

  1. Antenna Design Innovation: We segmented the design into four full-bandwidth sector antennas, each capable of operating across the entire specified frequency range.

  2. Sector Antenna Configuration: Each of the four sector antennas was engineered with a horizontal beamwidth of 90 degrees, ensuring that when combined, they would provide a 360-degree coverage pattern.

  3. Power Handling and Gain Optimization: The antenna was designed to handle the required power of over 300W while maintaining high gain across all frequency bands.

  4. Compact Design: A critical aspect of the design was to keep the antenna's dimensions compact, facilitating easy installation and minimal physical footprint.

Design and Development

The development process included:

  • Frequency Band Integration: Our engineers carefully selected materials and components that could support the broad frequency range without compromising performance.

  • Antenna Gain and Pattern Tuning: Extensive simulations and testing were conducted to optimize the antenna gain and ensure uniform radiation patterns across all bands.

  • Rigorous Testing and Refinement: The full band anti-drone omni antenna underwent multiple days of tuning and refinement to ensure it met the client's performance criteria.

Final Product

The final product was a full band anti-drone omni antenna that met all the client's requirements, including power handling, gain, size, and installation considerations.

Please find the visual representation of our full band anti-drone omni antenna. Note that due to client confidentiality, the image provided is of an initial version, intended for case analysis and studies.

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